作者:Sharla Hooper

Survey of people leaders in information technology, 哈里斯民意调查委托的医疗保健和教育领域强调了在工作场所发展无障碍技能的优势和机会

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 is pleased to share insights from a survey on workplace accessibility awareness, 理解, and development opportunities on Global 可访问性 Awareness Day. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜致力于提高残疾学习者的可及性和体验, and as a higher education institution focused on serving working adults, commissioned The Harris Poll to 进行研究 of 459 managers across the fields of information technology, healthcare and education to better understand workplace commitment to accessibility, accessibility 理解 and skills of workers, and opportunities for development of accessibility skills.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜已经为我们的在职成人学习者和残疾学生提供了一个支持框架,帮助他们驾驭自己的学习环境, and plan next steps in their careers,” shares Kelly Hermann vice president of accessibility, 公平与包容. “我们启动这项调查是为了更全面地了解工作场所对意识和培养无障碍技能的承诺.”

The survey was developed in collaboration with 教访问,  a national non-profit organization strategic所有y partnering with students, 教育工作者, 行业, 政府, and nonprofit advocacy organizations. Teach Access通过提供免费项目和开放教育资源,教授有关残疾和数字无障碍的基本技能和概念,弥合了无障碍技能差距. It has reached more than half a million students.

Hermann has oversight of the university’s accessibility initiative, including the evaluation and remediation of curricular resources, the Student Accommodation office, which provides accommodations to students with disabilities, and the Office of 教育al Equity (OEE), which works with University stakeholders, community partners and corporate sponsors to create an inclusive educational environment for the students, 教职员工.

On GAAD, Hermann serves as an expert panelist in this month’s webinar hosted by OEE, “Understanding AI's Influence on 可访问性 and 包容.“另外, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 is providing educational events for faculty, on universal design for learning, 对于学生来说, on accessibility features to support learning.

“Best practices promote building 可访问性成 the development of products, 服务s and 活动 from the very beginning stages,赫尔曼说。. 调查发现,60%的经理报告说,他们的组织在产品的所有阶段都内置了可访问性, 服务, and/or activity development. 57%的受访者表示,可访问性是应残疾客户/残疾人的要求而解决的. At 69%, IT managers are more likely than education, 56%, or healthcare managers, 56%, to report their organization has accessibility built into 所有 phases of products, 服务, and/or activity development.

“这表明,仍有相当多的组织似乎没有建立可访问性,赫尔曼分享道。. “我们需要全面的专业发展和意识建设,以了解残疾人的需求和福利。 集成 可访问性成 所有 phases of product and 服务 development.”

该调查确定了招聘员工时的无障碍差异因素,包括完成基于学分的大学无障碍推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, completion of non-credit based accessibility courses or learning opportunities, previous experience in accessibility roles or functions, reported personal experience with accessibility and/or assistive technology, accessibility certification, and earned accessibility-related badges.

Nearly 9 in 10 managers, 88%, 报告他们的组织在招聘员工时至少考虑了这些可访问性差异中的一个, 60%的学生完成了大学水平的无障碍推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜或学习机会(学分或非学分).

在这个调查中, the majority of managers – 89% – report their organization has programs, 活动, 或者主动招聘, 火车, 超过五分之三(62%)的人表示,他们的组织有专门的指导伙伴关系或就业安置伙伴关系. 另外, 大约一半的经理表示,他们会定期与经理/主管会面(51%)或进行工作培训(50%),这是他们公司招聘员工的其他方式, 火车, and/or retains employees with disabilities.

该调查还确定了经理们认为他们在职业发展中需要的无障碍技能和主题, including: disability as part of diversity programs, use of assistive technology by persons with disabilities, general 理解 of disability, legal foundations for accessibility, Web Content 可访问性 Guidelines (WCAG), policy development and implementation, multimedia accessibility, accessibility testing methodology, 可用性测试, 图像可访问性, HTML and accessibility, responsive design and zoom, 和其他人.

Survey findings show an increasing need for accessibility 火车ing and skill development. In the last five years, 59% of managers have seen an increase in demand for employees with accessibility skills in their organization, with one in 10 saying there has been a significant increase in demand. 几乎所有的管理者(95%)都觉得他们需要与特定的无障碍技能和/或主题相关的专业发展. While there is no one area specific所有y identified, the three most often cited are disability as part of diversity programs (32%), the use of assistive technology by persons with disabilities (31%), and general 理解 of disability (30%).

Among respondents who say it is difficult finding job candidates with accessibility skills, 最常见的原因是候选人不理解什么是可访问性技能,候选人没有可访问性技能, with 53% of managers saying either of these.  “重要的是, 这些发现告诉我们,没有足够的可用资源让员工获得这些知识或专业知识,凯特·松卡说道, Executive Director of Teach Access. “Coupled with the finding that most awareness, 48%, is related to previous professional experience, 我们可以推断,以前的经验可能无法提供对残疾或无障碍技能的全面理解. The findings help us see opportunities to improve skills development.”

The survey builds on findings from 2023年的研究 该大学委托哈里斯人力资源(HR)专业人士进行民意调查,以更好地了解工作场所对残疾员工的做法和方法, resources and accommodations, 调查结果表明,雇主需要了解如何通过注重意识的策略来支持残疾员工, 工作场所的社区, 心理健康. It also builds on a 2022 可访问性 Skills Gap Survey created by Teach Access that reflected a growing awareness toward adopting accessibility practices.

“Teach Access旨在在教育中进行系统性变革,使所有学生都能了解残疾和数字无障碍的基本知识,松卡说。. “It is essential to create a pipeline of future employees who can make technology accessible and inclusive. 这项调查支持了对Teach Access项目和资源的需求,并强调了我们与学术界合作的重要性."


这项调查是由哈里斯民意调查公司代表推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜在美国进行的,调查对象是459名21岁以上的成年人,他们都是在拥有两名或两名以上员工的组织中全职工作, has a title of manager or higher, has at least one direct report, and works in one of the following industries: 信息技术, 教育, 或医疗. The survey was conducted April 3 - 19, 2024. 对于每个行业, 必要时,数据会根据员工规模进行加权,以使其与员工在人口中的实际比例保持一致. A post-weight was applied to ensure equal weight of each 行业 in the total. 

这项调查的受访者是从同意参加哈里斯民意调查的人中挑选出来的. The sampling precision of Harris online polls is measured by using a Bayesian credible interval. For this study, the sample data is accurate to within +/- 5.1 percentage points using a 95% confidence level. This credible interval will be wider among subsets of the surveyed population of interest.    

For more information, review the survey report here.

关于 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜致力于创新,帮助在职成年人在快速变化的世界中提升自己的职业生涯和发展技能. 灵活的时间表, 相关的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 交互式学习, 我们的学士和硕士学位推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的技能映射推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和终身职业服务®承诺帮助学生更有效地追求事业和个人的愿望,同时平衡他们忙碌的生活. For more information, visit  凤凰城.edu.